In Britain, it’s not enough to not be racist; you have to be anti-racist

Every political party is constantly engaged in a dick measuring contest over just how anti-racist they can be. Labour bang on about reparations, Conservatives preach the value of tolerance etc.

I thought “tolerance” meant putting up with something you don’t like just to keep the peace. If I’m tolerating something, I’m essentially holding my tongue and going along with the charade because actually raising the issue and dealing with the problem would be too much of a headache. That’s what it means. Since when has tolerance become a founding value of British society? Hardly inspiring is it?

There’s an arrogance about anti-racism; it goes against nature itself. The concept of “racism” in a modern sense is cartoonish. But racial thinking is natural and normal. It’s only controversial because we (whites) have been told for so long not to do it.

My purpose in life isn’t to oppose racism. It just isn’t. Being anti-racist doesn’t impress me, and it gets our people nowhere to play along with it. That’s why when VICE calls me a fascist I just own it. They could call me anything, from a Klingon to a fucking Flamingo, it doesn’t, and shouldn’t matter to any of us.

We’re done with that shite.