NS Animals

As early as 1927 a National Socialist representative to the Reichstag called for actions against cruelty to animals and kosher butchering. During the first few months as chancellor Adolf Hitler had the Reichstag enact laws for the protection of animals. A law imposing a total ban on animal experiments was enacted on August 16, 1933, by Hermann Göring as the prime minister of Prussia. He declared an end to the ‘unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments’ and said that those who ‘still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property’ will be sent to prison. But Göring wasn’t done yet. Göring went on to ban commercial animal trapping, and imposed severe restrictions on hunting. The Reich Hunting Law was enacted which regulated how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper ‘hunting seasons’.

Animals saluting Göring - The poster declares ‘Heil Göring’ and ‘Vivisection forbidden’.


