NS world view

National Socialism is a worldview which combines the ethnic solidarity of Nationalism with a social conscience towards its people and environment. The basic ideas are a healthy shaping of personalities and a national altruism, contrary to atomized ideas of individualism and Jewish internationalism that straddles both sides of the political spectrum. The National Socialist worldview is neither “right” nor “left” but involves all of the national body creating no artificial or ‘class’ divide for the greater good of the people as a whole. National Socialism protects and preserves the bio-heritage and culture of the native people, contrary to Jewish Marxism whose purpose is infiltration, take over and destruction of the national body politic. It is, therefore an existential threat to all peoples.
“One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one.” -Savitri Devi

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