CTR and the Brain Washing Behind It

Your society is being brainwashed by a hostile ruling, class with an abstract religious belief in “human equality” We’ve all been fed this shit “We are all created equal” “Race is only skin color” “We all bleed red” “There is only once race the human race”

We’ve been fed this shit since childhood in schools and in TV and even politicians keep talking about “equality.” This “equality” propaganda is not only false, but also deliberately 'hostile and it is the foundation of the entire psychological attack on your civilization.

There is no such thing as “human equality” and our ruling class knows it and yet they insist on having us believe it to the point where they aggressively censor any talk about racial differences. Why are they so obsessed with insisting that we believe in equality?

For starters because equality propaganda is destructive and weakens nations who buy it. But most importantly because our ruling elites are rootless globalist outsiders who do not belong to any of our nations, and they do not want us discriminating between insiders and outsiders.

They have systematically used the mass media to mindfuck us with equality propaganda 24/7 for so long now that it has effectively formed a religious belief structure which supersedes Christianity or whatever belief system Western societies used to operate on the foundation of this belief system is the irrational belief in “human equality.” That is, the belief that all humans are from birth essentially the same in nature. That any differences between groups are just superficial details like skin color or food preferences

This belief is not only false, it is extremely dangerous. Because it lowers our guard and leaves us open to invasion. 'If we are all the same why not import all of Africa and Mexico right? It’s only skin color guys.

Imagine a tribe in nature that suddenly started believing that “all humans are equal” and that there is no fundamental difference between themselves and the members of neighboring tribes. That tribe would soon get invaded, its women fucked, and its land and resources taken.

Yes that is exactly what is happening to your nation/ civilization/race right now. And it is deliberate and by design. You are being conquered and destroyed not with weapons but with hostile propaganda. This propaganda is based on the irrational and socially mandated (ie religious) belief in “human equality.” If you look at the brainwash you can recognize a certain structure or mechanism to it. Once you notice it you see it everywhere and I will try to explain it here. The people brainwashed with this belief in “human equality” encounter some inconsistencies when they look at reality. For starters, they notice that different groups/nations/races are clearly not “equal”, Some groups clearly do better than others.

How do they explain this?

They explain this using a concept they refer to as “oppression.” 'If one group has less things than others then it’s because that group has been forced into its situation (oppressed) by another group. The alternative explanation is that different groups have different potentials (that is, that humans are not all equal) and this goes against the most fundamental holy belief in current Western societies.

So here’s the first thing to notice and point out about the brainwash that your society is running on:

Equality = good and the natural state of things
Inequality = evil and created by oppression
Oppression is the force that creates inequality

If all humans are equal by nature then all humans should achieve equally
If they don’t, it’s because certain groups oppress other groups (it’s the only explanation!)

Equality = justice = good
Inequality = injustice = evil = created by oppression

These people even have different terms to refer to the different kinds of oppression with which they explain the differences they observe between different groups in real life.

For example:
Racism = creates racial inequality
Sexism = creates sex inequality
And so, on.

These people always explain inequality as created by oppression.

Because the alternative explanation is that people are naturally unequal and such an explanation is not allowed to even be considered.

This brainwash is dangerous because it immediately places certain groups in a position of oppressor" simply for performing better than other groups. Why do Europeans build nicer societies than Africans? The only explanation is oppression. Therefore, Europeans are evil. According to this brainwash, if some group has nice things that another group doesn’t it’s because they oppressed that other group. In other words they have undeserved things that should logically belong to the other group if it weren’t for all this evil oppression.

These people have a term for this concept that you’re familiar with. They call it “privilege”
The concept of “privilege” is fundamentally tied to the concept of “oppression” which is in turn fundamentally tied to the concept of “equality.” Why are White people born into nicer societies? Because they have privilege. Why do they have privilege? Because they oppress. White privilege is the result of 'White oppression.

You hear these terms like equality oppression and privilege all the time in TV and social media and yet few people understand how they are related and that they are part of a brainwash scheme. Even less people understand the purpose of this brainwash or where it comes from.

Ok here’s another key thing to point out about the brainwash
Discrimination = oppression
Discriminate used to simply mean “to differentiate” which was not necessarily a bad thing. You discriminate when you pick what you eat, who you marry, who you let into your country etc.
Of course, in the religion of human equality, to differentiate 'humans is to commit sin. To differentiate humans is seen as a way of creating inequality (because we must all be treated equally)

Discrimination = oppression = creates inequality
Equality = natural state of humans = justice
Inequality = injustice = created by oppression
To discriminate = to oppress
To belong to an oppressor group = to have privilege

These people make such an effort to adjust reality to their brainwash that they come up with complex theories. For example, how do they explain that every single African Society or even neighborhood throughout history everywhere has always been absolute shit?

Well, the simple explanation (that races are different) is not allowed, so it must be some kind of permanent omnipresent force of oppression which is everywhere always. They refer to this as “systemic oppression” (you’ve probably heard this one too. Systemic oppression basically means a force of oppression that is everywhere even if you don’t see it. Some African tribe in some jungle that’s never been discovered even? Yes, they suffer from systemic environmental oppression caused by the White man. It basically means “the explanation for X instance of inequality is oppression which is there even if you don’t see it”. Reminder that “racism” is simply the term used to refer to the type of oppression which creates racial inequality.

Oh black teenagers are doing poorly in math in every single school throughout the country? The explanation is “systemic racism.” There simply can’t be another explanation.

If you suggest the obvious explanation, that is, that blacks are simply different, you are a “racist” (a non believer in racial equality and a sinner) and you will be burned at the stake.

Ok so that’s a simple overview of the basic structure behind the socially-mandated brainwash (aka “religion”) that your society is currently operating on 'It gets more interesting.