One of the Most Subversive Things about Christianity

One of the most subversive things that Christianity had imposed on the world, which betrays its Semitic origins, is the way in which, by deliberate design, it holds an historic monopoly on truth. The many paganisms (that is to say Natural Religion) over the world, in Europe, in Asia, in the Americas and Canada, in Polynesia, in Africa, and even the Middle East, held their gods, their religion and their myths as eternal, existing in an heroic past and thus eternally relevant to the future, creating a symbiotic relationship between man and the divine that was eternal.

Christianity, conveniently emerging at a time of learned Roman and Greek historians, placed itself not within these same timeless origins, but declared itself to be historically real. For pagans up until this point no one doubted the truth of their gods and their beliefs, but here was a foreign belief that insisted that it was really, really real and that others were false or distortions of the truth.

Pagans may have worshipped their gods for thousands of years, but these were all just idols created by the devil; and they may have held myths and sacred traditions which were embedded in their daily lives and understanding of the natural world, but myths are synonymous with false stories, fables, and these traditions are barbaric and honour false gods.

This monopoly on historic truth is one of the ways with which Abrahamism took hold across the world in the way it did, it blurred the boundaries between the sacred and profane in the physical world by making everything profane except for this one, true god of the Israelites and his earthly avatar, the rabbi messiah. It is also the way with which it established Universalism, a belief that is true for all peoples.

Fast forward two thousand years to the secular, post-industrial pushback from various groups seeking to fill the void that Christianity once held in the west. Recently, especially as a reaction to globalisation, more and more people have felt an affinity and connection in the revival of paganism, especially in terms of their ethnic and racial identity. But alongside this has been its Liberal shadow that has undermined the ethnic basis, by making it applicable (read: compromised) with the global modern world, and has done little more than recast Christianity in new clothes.

It has made Paganism into something which one can choose from a shelf, where gods are a commodified product. Thanks to the Vikings-industry of the History Channel and especially Marvel, the gods do not connect to Man through his blood, through his land, through the struggles he makes for his people - this is a Nazi fabrication and distortion of truth, we are told. Instead any god can be taken up by anyone, as long as he has a ‘worthy heart’. This is a paraphrase of Christian rhetoric where Liberal Neopaganism seeks to keep the Universalism of Christianity, and recast a pluralist belief system in a global world. They get to keep Thór AND multiculturalism!

Critics of those who have ‘distorted’ paganism with ‘Nazi’ beliefs do not understand the depth to which this modern world, its global melting pot, the existential threat and loss of purpose, homeland and belonging, the nihilism and atheism that was created by the failure of the real, objective truth which Christianity promised the world - that this modern world is the distortion.

But the call of blood and soil, it is so primal and ancient that it stands above these modern distortions, it returns us to priorities where religion is deeply connected to agriculture, with fertility, with manhood and womanhood, with warriorhood and motherhood, with the landscape as ones source of nourishment, with the sun, with the earth, with the struggle to survive - and it is for that reason that race is inevitable. The attempt to disfigure paganism of its ethnic roots and, with the eager hands of consumerism, to mould it into another universalist religion is to make it fit with the modern world. Paganism has nothing to do with the modern world because it was always timeless.