The Protocols were NOT determined to be a hoax in the final analysis

The Protocols were NOT determined to be a hoax in the final analysis but the propagandists bank on the hopes that you will never bother to research it, just as they hope you won’t research the holocaust while they hurry to try to make it against the law in the US to do so as they have in many European countries and of course, Israel. No other event in history is against the law to study except the holocaust. Why is that? Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that if you must enact laws to prevent someone from investigating any part of history, there’s clearly something they don’t want you to find out. Same goes for the Protocols. “On 26th June, 1933, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland and the Berne Jewish Community brought an action against five members of the Swiss National Front, seeking a judgment that the Protocols were a forgery and a prohibition of their publication. The procedure of the Court was astounding, the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code being deliberately set aside. Sixteen witnesses called by the plaintiffs were heard, but only one of the forty witnesses called by the defendants was allowed a hearing. The judge allowed the plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of proceedings during the hearing of their witnesses, instead of entrusting the task to a Court official. In view of these and similar irregularities, it was not surprising that, after the case had lasted just on two years, the Court pronounced the Protocols to be a forgery and demoralising literature. The decision was given on 14th May, 1935, but it was announced in the Jewish Press before it was delivered by the Court. On 1st November, 1937, the Swiss Court of Criminal Appeal quashed this judgment in its entirety. Jewish propagandists, however, still declare that the Protocols have been ‘proved’ to be a forgery.” And this is why the Protocols reflect such accuracy of what was to come leading us to where we are now, in a very dangerous world where peace and justice is deceased.